Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We still have rats in our house and my latest encounter was when one was crunching the turkey juice from the bottom of the oven. I went over to the oven with a broom and Jack, opened the door, no rat. I looked in the lower drawer, no rat. I closed everything and put the oven on Clean.
A little later I heard a loud “Bang!” Since it was the wee hours of the morning that this was happening, I turned on the ceiling fan and did the only sane thing I could think of: go back to bed.

The next morning, there was no telling odor or splatter-pattern ashes in the oven, no pile of ashes either. Last night the rat sat and watched me in the easy chair, just staring at me until I’d turn to look at it. David said it was begging for treats.

None of the ladies in the knitting group are eating my potluck baked goods. I even tried telling them that I got stuff at the grocery store, but they won’t touch it. That’ll teach me to tell everything I know.