Monday, October 30, 2006

Freshest air on the planet

With miles upon miles of sea surrounding the land, Hawaii must have the freshest air on the planet. This is an illusion.

When a mountain formation traps air, it traps the air that is available in its vicinity. For the Big Island of Hawaii, that air includes volcanic fog, also known as vog. Known in LA as smog, vog has the same unpleasant respiratory effects as any air "pollution."

On all the islands, the air carries a bit of the sea in it, leaving a film on glass (vertical and horizontal) and destroying metals.

Ceiling fan blades grow grey mohawks on their leading edges every two to three months. The ambitious don't let it get built up beyond 1/4" thick. The distracted find that the blades eventually clean themselves by flinging a fuzzy grey strip out onto surfaces in the room, causing quite a stir in the centipede-fearing among us.


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